Friday, November 25, 2005 / 8:05 PM
sentiments exactly

Woo hoo...Grad tea is finally over.

The aftermath remains as astonishing as the tsunami: blisters refusing to subside arising from the pair of black satin stilettos I recently bought; the itch in my eyelashes from all that mascara those Red Earth peeps smothered over ( i am so incensed with the beauty personnel at Red Earth Wisma Atria cos they had done an awful job with my mum...You guys just watch out for an angry 16 year old!); the stubborn glitter still stuck on my scalp; and finally, the agony of my camera running out of battery when i had just reached Grand Hyatt.


All right...The event was nothing of spectacular cos Mr Shashi had decided to appear as Darth Vader whose helmet proved to be of an unnatural size for his head. Anyway, he tried to make all of us laugh but i thought he was really comical. He never fails to try to get the party started. No pun intended.

I was kind of disappointed that the dance floor was gone.I remembered when we went to perform for the '04 cohort at the very same ballroom there was a small dancefloor. The couples danced and i swear i saw em kiss. Gosh...How sweet!

There was NO dance floor. Sigh...I had hoped for Mr Wee to bring his wife along so that they could dance.HUMPH.

Everyone was dressed up to the nines, with some extremely catastrophic fashion mistakes. Some had poise and elegance that Grace Kelly would wind up in shame. Some should just realise the need to cover up their thighs and unnecesary flab around the midsection.

The worse were some people who did not feel the need to dress appropriately and simply just grabbed a thing or two from the bottom of their closets. Hello, they seem to have taken "smart casual" a little too, literally.

But most of the peeps were decked in beautiful hues and amazing clothes. It was certainly a totally different feeling to see your friends with coloured manes and formal wear. The coequettish and flirty atmosphere was well, weird.

The grad videos were really good, just dun understand how come only the selected classes are allowed to compete for the best video thing. No fair. I thought ours was really sweet with al lthe sultry music and cool peeps. But 5N3 was the thang man...That scene in the boys toilet was really hilarious. Thumbs up!

The whole event ended really normally. There were no howling and whining girls nor boys who were trying so hard to choke back their tears that all their veins were bulgeoning. That is a good sign, is it? This meant we were not really that attached to each other after all. Boohoohoo...

True, the only TREASURED MOMENTS would be the grad tea itself. We walked away with beautiful smiles, amicable talks and goodbyes and an awful lot of keepsakes. I will really miss all my classmates, really cherish the times we had all spent together and all the silly stuff attempted.

I guess this parting does not necessarily means that we wil never see each other again. Afterall, the world is a small place eh?

Just finished reading "The Second Summer of the Sisterhood", the sequel to "The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants". Both books touched me a lot and made me cry and laugh.

To the girls and the bitches who have remained a permanent fixture in my life, our friendship will be like the Sisterhood.

As for the Travelling Pants,we'll see.

bio tag misc past
musings of a superhero girl
All the love in the world, dear John