Thursday, April 27, 2006 / 8:59 PM

Like a thousand lead balls have been tied onto my feet.
Like i am threading on glass.
Like drowning in ice cold water.


All right. Perhaps i am making too much of a mountain out of a molehill. What can i blame but my melodramatic-ness?

Perhaps some people are right. I am indeed too tensed up but then, i don't feel that way eh.

True enough, i have lots of projects and tutorials and comcepts coming at me like a huge TIDAL wave, destroying everything in its path. Well, i think i am still coping rather okay but i just cannot help but to feel tired all the time. Why is that so? Just yesterday night, while i was revising for my Econs essay test today, i realise that i just could not keep my eyes open. Like literally. My head just felt a million tonnes and i kept dozing off in starts. It was not as if i had any PE that afternoon nor i was doing anything exhaustive but i was super TIRED.


So here i am reading one of T.S.Eliot's essays -" The Social Function of Poetry"- and trying to make sense out of this. But then, all you can see above my head is a HUGE question mark followed by several lines cascading down my forehead.HUH?!?OK...I shall calm myself down and try to understand what this big guy is yakking about. I'm positively sure there is a element of "fun" and lots of juicy intellect in this!!! *shrugs*

Well, after the PI comes the formidable and killer GPP. *applause* Wonder what are we going to do for it? Hmm...*momentary period of awkward silence*

Anyway, TGIF tmr. Really hope to get a good night's sleep.

Wonder what is that guy at the video rental shop thinking? I think he is a really good looking guy and he looks like one of the Korean actors. Shan't reveal his name in case one of u guys pop over and gives him a big scare. He is clean shaven and only speaks English but i am positively sure he is a Chinese.

Hormones are the bane of all human affections.

bio tag misc past
musings of a superhero girl
All the love in the world, dear John