Thursday, January 11, 2007 / 8:39 PM
school so far
School has been ok, but somehow i feel sorry for the J1 at NJ, cos they will be having orientation for a week plus and its only halfway there. Poor OGLs, can see that they are really tired.
Anyway, decided to focus on my current eye candy and he is simply HOT.Like sizzling you know? And he is none other than.....WENTWORTH MILLER!!!

hiakhiak..he is so cute and smart. This lad was from PRINCETON, both parents graduated from YALE and he's got the looks to kill and the gaze to die for. Those eyes are simply DIVINE~~I bet his tots will look really sweet and adorable, with all that good genes inside of him man!
He is definitely one snaggable guy. WAHAHAHAHA!
Enough if this craze..thinking of how to upload my pics onto my comp WITHOUT my USB connector. Apparently i misplaced it before the Taiwan trip and its no where to be found!!CRAP~~i got so many pics in my cam! Gotta find a way to do it i guess..
Anyway, till i find a way to upload the pics, no pics will be posted here. So any of the TIP ppl who has got my photo in your cam pls email it to me k?WILL GREATLY APPRECIATE IT :)
Now there are just 3 things on my mind:
But its kind of hard to stick to something, still trying! Hope that i can lose at least 2kg..*guffaws*
Anyway, Jessica Alba is really one actress to look out for cos she is so healthy and trim! Definitely better than those willowy Richies and Lohans around the scene. Check it out!