Friday, April 02, 2010 / 4:24 AM

So far things have been fine, but i am just damn in need of typing an entry up. This world is getting so warped up in a state of competition, a state of anxiety and speed that nothing else is clear anymore. We refuse to wait, to compromise, to endure.

Or at times you feel that you have been ushered into a path that somehow you know is wrong but because everyone else expects you to. Sometimes i wish i could assert myself more, but within a small social milieu the options are severely restricted. Not even attractive to one. Doing things that i wish i don't have to do and just want to be able to choose what i want. To be comfortable and stop feeling so inferior and displaced.

What kind of shitty feeling is this?

And this homesickness is killing me. Looking at McGill and Montreal just makes me wanna go back to Singapore now. I know that there are just only a few more days left, but hey that's a lot of days going on now. I am so super sick of everything now. I so don't mind going back to Singapore like NOWWWWWW.

Seeing the professor makes me feel like shit. Don't know what the shit he is teaching. TA is not even here!

Argh i am emo girl.

bio tag misc past
musings of a superhero girl
All the love in the world, dear John