Saturday, July 10, 2010 / 2:49 AM

Its been a good trip, heading to Bali and the best best best thing of it all was SURFING! I managed to stand on the board for like 2 seconds before i fell into the water and landed on my bottom. HAHA. Would totally go back there to surf! Maybe next year i might head back there :)
Heading to Japan later and i cannot even fall asleep. Cannot nap. Not excited over the trip but i just don't feel tired. Not sleepy. I seem to be having insomnia occasionally, falling asleep only at the break of dawn. Maybe i am still jetlagged??? HAHAHA.
Looking back, it seems really fast that i am already heading into my third year in NUS and i feel like i haven't achieved much, if i compare to some others who are really doing well and learning a lot in their undergraduate life. And there are so many modules to look at and decide on which ones to take and to also strive hard to do well for them. Headache!
New semester looming around the corner and its pretty scary.
Gosh, sometimes i still miss McGill and Canada, the life that i lead there, so carefree and fun. And being able to visit places and all. Really amazing.
Whole new woman i shall be :)