Friday, October 15, 2010 / 12:14 AM
used to dream a little
 There used to be this little girl named Lisa, who dreamt of butterflies, princesses and of course, to be a beautiful singer adored by many or an air stewardess who flies all around the world, taking in all the sights and doing so much shopping.
As she grew up, such fantasies started to become more grounded, although she never stopped dreaming. She longed for a day where she could really spread her wings and fly, to be someone who she always wanted to be. She did okay in school, didn't particularly stand out and was of average standing. She didn't had boys who chased after her, and she was a good good girl. Lisa was the kind of daughter everyone would not mind having, because she was such an obedient girl, with occasional tantrums but they are not too bad.
Her parents adored her, showered her with gifts and such, and this made her insensitive to money. Her friends would often be surprised at her extravagance, and her generosity, but still that didn't deter her spending habits. Until her family downgraded.
Fast forward.
Lisa was popular, smart and well-liked, but now she is just rock bottom. Suddenly her friends disappear, and she loses the big groups and big laughters. She seeks to find out what is wrong, but some people don't reciprocate. The more she tries the more saddened she is, and the more she feels like killing herself.
It would definitely be a quick way to stop thinking so much, but hey Lisa, are you sure this is worth it?