Sunday, October 08, 2006 / 12:41 PM
haze cleared
Anyway, really had fun. Then went to join my family for some yummy claypot rice and i finished a whole big bowl of soup. Really loved all kinds of herbal, tonic or boiled soup. Wish i could cook but nah, i'd rather not burn down the kitchen. Going for yet another wedding dinner tonight (went for 2 for the past 2 consecutive Sundays) and all i care is the food. Haha..such a sucker for delicious food. But now trying to get to lose some weight cos my knee is injured and i cant do any running. But doing crunches and sit ups at home aint really helping much. So i gotta just go find out more weight loss tips and diets. Hopefully i can lose all the extra flab!!
 noooooooooo  is there something in my drink??  then a really emo Samo..(no la this picture was posed)  here is a cheery Samo..  me looking all spastic  Weewee looking mesmerised by the food Went out with Weewee and Samo ytd and had loads of fun shopping. Bought lots of things too. But it was really nice to be able to walk around and just chill, having retail therapy!