Wednesday, November 29, 2006 / 12:15 PM
so much work so little time
Went onto KM today and it dawned on me that i had very little time to complete a lot of things.
- Do TJC math promo papers
- Do RJC math promo papers
- Do HCI math promo papers
- Do ACJC math promo papers
- Geography research paper on NIEs and etc for 1500 words
- 2 Geography DRQs
- Lit essay on the poems of Wilfred Owen
- Read up on Chap 7 of Econs
Uh uh. Not a good sign. But anyway for those who are in either TJC,RJC,HCI or ACJC, i welcome you to send me or pass me the solutions for the math promo papers. THANKS a mil!Pls pls pls~
Anyway, watched High School Musical and Anacondas ytd. High School Musical was the typical oh-we-love-to-sing and then there comes the boy meets girl, both in love, something separates them and then all is well. But liked the singing and the storyline cos its kinda sweet. Loved Gabriella's hair! I would rather be brainy than be like an airhead like Sharpay (what kind of name is that?). Besides, its nice to see Troy and Gab together. But i thought Troy looked kinda like Amanda Bynes. Perhaps he should have starred as Sebastian in She's The Man instead.
Anacondas: The search for the blood orchid was, not surprisingly, a box office flop and well, none of the characters in the show are like, famous. The anacondas look pathetically CGI-ed and the saving grace was Kong the monkey with its expressive facial features and vocal chords. Lots of inconsistencies to watch out for and it is definitely one show that screams BORING!! for the first 80 mins, though the show is only a mere 96 mins. Director builds up tension for a whole hour plus and you only get to see the action in the last 10 mins or so.HURHUR. Felt so compelled to fast forward. Besides, die for the sake of a flower? I'll pass.
Then did a little packing and realised i dun really know what to bring. Like blur. Went to get some stuff and realised i had no idea of what to get. Sent my blazer and costume for dry cleaning and my is it expensive. But for the sake of comfort, its worth it.
Ate Carl's Jr at Vivo ytd and my gawd, i think i know why Caucasians are getting obese. The burger they serve are as big as my face and is the equivalent of 2.5 Big Macs! I almost puked while trying to finish the burger, which i eventually did. I ordered a Portobello Mushroom Burger, which tastes like the mushroom swiss of bk but at twice the price. It was ok at first until i was finishing the burger. It was SO FILLING. Could not even finish my fries. My brother really amazed me cos not only did he finished his burger in like 10 mins,he finished the rest of his meal while i was still struggling thru! Brava! But i managed to see one hot guy. He was so tall and that was like the height i really liked; boyish looks and awesomely cute! Man he does look like he work out a lot. Taut and lean muscles i see there. WOOOOO~*claps claps* *does a head stand* Anyway, he is so hot. Tssssss~
 Here is the portobello burger and i assure u its bigger than it looks. All that calories!!!AHHH~