Monday, January 15, 2007 / 8:19 PM
Visited Xiaxue's blog during my free period today and was amazed by her article on this US Marine who apparently was sentenced to life after raping a Philippine woman. Long story but it drew lots of flak and many other people lambasted her for some of her inappropriate choice of language and words. She sounded like it was ok to get raped and stuff like that, and now her blog is overflowing with comments about this issue. And so the US marine looks like this..
 Looks good from certain angles but i never understood why he did something like that. Totally ruined his future in the army. Nice cheekbones there.
Anyway, do visit her blog to take a look at that entry. Although not very splendid, she did a nice argument and defended herself. So kudos to that.
School is kind of scary nowadays, and i am rather scared of Econs lessons. I dunno why but i just keep dozing off especially towards the end of the lesson. Feels really bad towards my tutor cos he tries his best to make us understand concepts. ARGH!!! IT'S JUST ME!!Feels like a horrid person.Then there are also those compare and contrast questions about poems and sometimes i just don't seem to understand anything! I don't get the versification and wad the hell are similar between those 2 poems. It feels like i am trying to shout through a vacuum and no one can hear me. Sheesh.. and its only the beginning of the year.I am so afraid of the impending common tests and most importantly, the scary A levels. Oh man..I NEED A SHRINK~~
Haha...really happy today during table tennis prac cos i improved a little. Kinda got into the momentum of it. Small steps towards better playing!
Will find a way to put up pics..Still trying to locate my USB connector. Gotta get a card reader i guess.
All rightey, time to go finish up my homework. Groans.
*extricates my self from the computer*