Thursday, September 25, 2008 / 11:26 PM
clubbing at butter factory

HAHA! Went to Butter Factory ytd night to crash Jodee's hall pageant. What a night i must say! The pageant was quite cute, because there were a lot of teasing done to the contestants, like massaging the other party and dancing with underwear on the outside! I loved their prepared items, because they were all very funny and entertaining.
And we danced non-stop till around 140am. By then most of our legs were rebelling and we were all a tad tired already. Met some nice and cool people around and caught sight of some smooching and whatnots. Left me gaping in amazement. But so happy that i went clubbing with all of you guys. YAY.
There is still the Arts Open to plan for, and i hope i can give my best and do it properly. A little uncertain of what is there to expect, but nonetheless gonna do my part.
Mid-terms coming soon, yet i have yet to fully revise for it! Feeling this sense of impending doom although my mind and body is in inertia. And the other day i fell asleep on my desk while trying to establish a connection to Durkheim, Weber and Marx. Sorry Merton, Parsons and Martineau.
Argh sociology is just getting me down. I feel so helpless with this subject! ARGH HELP!
Went out with Jodee and Melody today and I DROVE to Vivo City! Quite scary while navigating the carpark, but everything was fine. Had a fantastic parking lot, just outside B1. Then we just went around the usual haunts and bought some clothes AGAIN. Come to think of it, i have been splurging on clothes this week. Gonna wait for my threadless to come in, and my AE polo and my shirt from a supplier spree. DANG. And there is this stupid true yoga package that i wanna cancel but don't know how to since i don't go for yoga that much anymore. ARGH.
Oh well, so many things on my mind, so little time. I want some strong shoulders to lie on for a while before i move on. HAHA. Whatever la.
And i am still in love with Jason Mraz.