Friday, August 29, 2008 / 9:33 PM
i passed TP test!
 I passed my driving test today!
It was really a very stressful day, with Geography tutorial in the morning. Had to try to be as participative as possible, racking my brains for creative slogans and stuff. Enjoyed the Merlion biscuits too. Then afterwhich i went to the Deck with Michelle and met up with Meera and gang. Had lunch but all the while i was really damn nervous. The butterflies in my stomach were zooming around and it felt so terrible... Everyone was comforting me and all, but i just couldn't fully calm myself down.
Then hailed a cab and proceeded to Bukit Batok Driving Centre and i was early. My warm-up was not till 1.40pm but i reached at about 1.20pm. Looked around and realised that the others who are in the same slot as me reached way earlier than me, therefore demonstrating that i am not the only one on tenterhooks. So i went to print my slip and all and then went to the waiting area to wait for my warm-up session. Was trying to focus on the underwater video provided but really it kept repeating the same scenes so i got sianed. Then the warm-up instructor came and we went for the session. Everything was pretty good and i was really in tune, until when i came back and my car stalled on the slope. OH MAN! I was a little depressed cos everything was so good and my car stalled! Argh.
But well i went back to the centre and met up with Mich and Sam and then sent my info for balloting. Chatted with them for 15 mins, went to the toilet and then trudged upstairs to the balloting room. And i got test route 3, a route that i am so NOT familiar with. I was pretty scared and doubtful, cos i hardly go on this test route (the hot favourites are 6 and 8) and i was a bit hesitant. Then went to sit down and wait for my tester to come.
I was the FIRST one to be called out for test! Oh man, it was this tester with surname Koh. So i followed him and then he told me to go start the car. Haha, i RAN to my car. Then started my car and moved off!
This tester can be a meanie. He was quite impatient and fierce. I was doing my parallel parking and vertical parking and he didn't even allow me to pull handbrake and go neutral gear- he told me to move off once the car was in the lot and straight. So i continued everything and then went on the road.
It was the Teck Whye area, and the traffic wasn't so bad today. Quite smooth. Then had a little episode near the temple area, and this tester SHOUTED at me man. He was like "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? WHO GOT THE RIGHT OF WAY? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"
Wad the fuck.
Feeling my face go red, I told him politely that i felt that it wasn't safe because this HUGE lorry laden with stuff was trying to turn right while i was trying to turn in. He most certainly looked like he was revving to go so i decided to not take chances. But this tester continued to bellow at me like i did something terribly wrong. Whoa at that moment i was like "Shit man... Fail already fail already." To make things worse, he started to scribble furiously at my test sheet. At that moment, my heart sank but i told myself to just keep driving and jiayou.
After that i went back to the centre and it was drizzling a little. So out of courtesy i offered to straighten my car and park nearer to the shade but this tester said "NO NEED!" very loudly. Ok...If that is what you want. Then said the four magical words:
"Okay, you passed already."
JUBILANCE MAN! I was jumping for joy outside the car and was SUPER happy that i cleared my TP Driving test! Whoo! Then went for the video presentation, applied for license and settled down. Managed to talk to Zulk and Akbar a little. Haha!
Went for dinner with my family and just rattled on about today. Now i am still having a throbbing headache because of all the stress accumulated from today. I can finally breathe easy!
Honestly, i didn't know driving lessons can be that much drama and fun. My instructors change all the time, and i must say i have had over 20 instructors already. Some were bitches, some were weird, some cannot speak English properly, some treated me like their friend, some talk to me like i am their family, some refuse to talk to me except to provide directions and some are my friends now.
Suddenly i feel so melancholic, and as i left BBDC, i felt a wave of emotions wash over me. 6 months of frequent visits! Now all the hard work and sweat and money has paid off.
Really a big hand to all the instructors who have helped me achieve this and thank you all. Thanks to Michelle who accompanied me all the way from school and to Sam who came too.
Yay :D