Saturday, March 21, 2009 / 1:22 AM
today my life is like this :D
 Each day brings a new set of excitement.
Today was a pretty normal day, with dad coming back from vietnam after his trip and all. Felt nothing, although that was not something out of the ordinary anyway. It was all cool. Then drove my brother to see a doc cos he wasn't feeling well and bought myself some popiah. Simple, banal and mundane.
So i have to start on my literature essay and my soci of family term paper, both of which i had faithfully PROCRASTINATED and left undone, and due soon. GAHHHHH. Need a headstart for my family research paper. Headache.
And am feeling thankful to some people who managed to make my day a lot more bearable after something that happened. Thanks to E who trusted me enough to talk about her stuffs and offered me something really nice to eat! Thanks to S who talked to me on msn, although it was just for a while. Thanks to Mr L who offered to help me, and that was really sweet of him. Touched!
Tmr is food hunt, and next sat is BEACH FIESTA! OMG OMG OMG.
Somehow, i feel a sudden urge to become a REAL radio dj. But till then i gotta clear all my assignments!!!
And i am so going for Korean food later ;D