Wednesday, September 30, 2009 / 9:49 PM
finally the letter arrived
 LOVELY! Awesome.
But i still feel sad that i have to leave so much things behind. People especially, and all the projects that i wanna do! A certain fear resides in me that i may be left out of the loop. Quite afraid.
But nevertheless i am psyched and glad :)
Thank you Gohonzon!
And table tennis today really was darn intense. We kept playing for 2 hours, non stop. GOSH I AM SO TIRED NOW. To the point that i am really sleepy. Going to go sleep without reading my lecture notes. Gahhh.
Super slack! Got to wake up my ideas, stop getting distracted and study.
Oh and the haze is so irritating. The smell of smog and all that just blurs everything. Eeeks not a good feeling.