Saturday, November 14, 2009 / 12:32 PM
cold day
 It was still bright and sunny when i woke up this morning. Then the sky started to get darker and darker and it drizzled, then rained. Now the rain is getting lighter, the breeze better, and i can see the lightening of the sky. A nice comfortable bluish grey.
The sounds of the raindrops splattering on the floor and how the cars whizz by. Such an endearing Saturday afternoon.
Sometimes i don't understand some people anymore. It's like you think you know what they are thinking but then when they do something wholly different it slaps you in the face, chiding yourself for having been so confident and assured.
Or those who put on a facade, pretending to be weak and helpless when actually they have everything going well for them. Or pretending to not understand anything so they don't have to help you out. And i hate being misunderstood.
Haven't had anything to eat, and there is only instant noodles at home. What a bore. Maybe i should go without food. Can lose weight too. Haha.