Tuesday, November 24, 2009 / 9:32 PM
how to save a life
 Just recalled this sms a few days back. Really pissed me off. Some people really cannot be trusted. You expect so much from them in exchange for so much you gave them, but what happens in the end?
At the very least the basis was not mutual, and therefore i should not have any regrets or angst but somehow i just feel utterly wretched that i had to be disposed of by you, as if i was just another piece of tissue paper to wipe off some dirt on your pretty shoes.
DARN. It makes me feel so angry just to think about it, i just feel exploited.
Other people said bad things about you, stayed a safe distance away, but i tried to reconcile you guys and you just didn't appreciate me. You took me for granted, just like a stepping stone and now you walk away with bulging pockets and armful of everything. You good.
I shall try to revenge myself, at least somehow i should right. Doesn't make sense that i am the only one battered and discounted.
If only i could reach out to you at the right time and prevented all these. If only i could have stopped the sadness. Everything and nothing.
Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend Somewhere along in the bitterness And would I have stayed up with you all night Had I known how to save a life