Wednesday, November 03, 2010 / 11:06 PM
 Had a good session with the Office of Alumni Relations this afternoon, better than i thought it would be. It was nice to be able to meet the admin people who have been so elusive to us. Now i know that there are so much more things that NUS is doing for its students other than what we already think they are doing and have done. Thumbs up!
School has been okay, still not quite engaged in revision as i would like myself to be. Quite scared actually, but there is this inertia preventing me from being on the ball. Gotta retrieve the old Shuli though. Exam for universe is next tuesday, and whoa i am scared for it even though it's open book. Too much calculations and cheeminology.
Sigh, wish i could go for the trip haha.
Anyway! School is challenging, and this is what makes life interesting and meaningful. Without challenges, what good are youths for!
Take heart in everything you do, smile more because that makes you live longer and stay healthy!