Tuesday, January 30, 2007 / 12:11 AM
a time travel machine caught up in the motion fatigue sets in i do not deserve such disrespect from you i have not done anything wrong just lived up to what i believe in yet i still reside in sorrow wonder how the world will be like if there was a time travel machine? would people use it wisely or simply do stupid things? would criminals use it to go back in time and undo their mistakes? would an unfaithful husband go back in time to prevent the affair from taking form? would a kid who had stolen from his mother go back in time and put the money back to where he took it? all the woulds and what ifs are so seductive that we mortals just keep using them. the fact is, once its gone, there is only regret and remorse left. no "let's put it this way" or "what if".strange how it seems that others keep telling us to cherish something or someone before you lose them, yet the majority of us never seem to heed this advice. human nature perhaps? so true, so true. but then to take it from another point of view, it is perhaps we have already taken things for granted that we do not bother to notice if they are even around. like how we always look for that shirt when we need it but chuck it way behind your closet when you don't. or like how some children always yell at their parents to hurry up yet wail and cry when they have passed on beyond. why cant humans just learn to cherish and appreciate? how ironic for us to be called humans, as a means to separate us from being pure animals. we are superior because we have the power to think and to differentiate, unlike beasts. but beasts have the power to love and to care, like how dogs and cats like to snuggle up and make us pet them. this sense of affection comes naturally to them, the supposedly inferior bunch. what about us? No. Humans do not like to show off their softer side. Then one starts to wonder: is the world slowly getting de-humanised? where have all the affection and appreciation and love gone to? people are just moving on like herds of cows and flocks of birds, but where is the destination? what exactly are you striving for? is it pure contentment when you have a car and branded clothings and savouring foie gras? Haha. The self questioning of one's very existence. A rather cliche but fervently forgotten topic. Something ppl hang at their mouths all day long without ever giving it serious thought. Perhaps its the night. I am feeling melancholic. tired you say? keep going till your legs fall apart and waist begs for a hiatus go on my girl |