Tuesday, August 07, 2007 / 9:54 PM
 She loves the feeling of feeling the breeze caressing her skin and sifting through her hair...She loves the smell of the fresh grass and the taste of berries and the touch of the river. She wants to run on the grasslands that scream of freedom and euphoria, just like the horses in the pictures she saw. The feeling of being unrestrained and simply relaxed without putting on any facades and not getting weird looks, is the kind of feeling that she has been wanting to have for her whole life.
Not that is it unattainable. Just not possible at the moment.
She sits quietly at her desk in her room, looking out of the windows, with the afternoon breeze slow and gentle. Economics, Literature, Mathematics... So much homework and notes to read, yet no mood to do so at all. Tapping her fingers on her assignment, she watches as the clouds float by.
Butterflies, four leaf clovers, cars...Candy floss!They look so pretty!
So unattached, so unrestrained, moving around freely without having to touch a single Math problem or a GP essay. How nice.
It was such a perfect weather, so good to be out instead of wallowing in self pity about the tons of things she has to do before the upcoming Prelims. Its going to be quite a BIG deal because it predicts what kind of scores you will most probably get for the A Levels. If you want to get into a university, it is time to pull up your socks, tie your ponytail to the ceiling and STUDY REALLY REALLY HARD.
But she has no urgency about the whole thing. She doesn't even feel nervous for the mock statistics test next Monday. Okay maybe she is a little but hey, compared to the O levels, the attitude and manner she is having right now is seriously ABNORMAL.
Looking at the pile of materials to catch up, she heaves a sigh of resentment and dread, and looks at the picture of horses again. Can someone please guide her along? Please give her lots of encouragement and concern? I figured she is a little lost on this path to the A Levels and she is really freaked out about herself and everything that is happening.
She looks at the clouds again. This time, she will start studying with a whole new determination, and after the A Levels, she will be able to be free.
At least for 3 months.