Sunday, March 02, 2008 / 5:08 PM
leap the year

Feb 29 has passed, and it was supposed to be the day where girls can propose to their boyfriends. For me, it was just any other day.

Feb 29 was the day where some parents welcomed their child into this world, sealing their fates with a very special birthday. Others chose to induce labour so that their child can have a normal birthday just like everyone else.

I wonder what is the significance of a leap year? The true and un-commercialised kind of meaning that our predecessors have created. It is said that a leap year is only a leap year when it can be divided by 100 and 400 years.

There is this whole romantic feeling this week, maybe due to the movie The Leap Years. I really wanted to catch it, but so far i have not. It seems like the conventional tear-jerker genre yet with a beautiful and melancholic storyline. Waiting to see if your heart was right for 24 years? I don't know if i am like Li-Ann, the protagonist of the movie. It all seems so sweet and lovely. Something out of the pages of a dreamy love story, which was written by Catherine Lim. Hmm... sounds good.

Anyway, i have been feeling melancholic too. Something is pulling me down and i try to raise myself up again. Added responsibilities and workload makes me a little breathless, and i shudder at the thought of having to deal with so many things. I am just glad that next week will be the school March holidays, so i can recuperate and perhaps sit in solitude and think things through.

No wonder so many urbanites crave to get out if Singapore and chose to reside overseas instead. Read the papers this morning and realised that many Singaporeans who chose to live overseas mostly have the same rationale: our society is too intolerant of mistakes and moves too fast. You never get spared from a typo error. You never get forgiven if you blundered. On the surface, everything seems peachy and rosy. But we are all too sure about how we will end up if we fall short of expectations. That is indeed a scary thought.

If i ever have a chance to venture abroad, i would choose Australia. Perhaps the US too. To live a life way different from the model life that we have all been living since the day we arrived in this world. It is a nice dream to have, but it wil definitely take a lot to realise it.

Before i get carried away, i guess it is ok to live within our means. To eat what we can, say what we can and live the way we can.


bio tag misc past
musings of a superhero girl
All the love in the world, dear John