Thursday, July 31, 2008 / 12:24 AM
 Really liked this picture. Means a lot about life. Sometimes the things that we are so bothered about can come to naught in the end. So why be so particular all the time?
Enjoying the night wind. The wind is especially strong now, and as i sit beside my window typing out this entry, the wind blows on. We all know how wind is formed and for those who don't, it's not such a big deal. But a gust of wind means differently to people. It can be just a matter of pressure differences, or simply the touch of a loved one who has passed on.
Ok enough of my random talk.
Today is the bidding day and well, its going to be done in school. During orientation week! MAN I AM SO FREAKING OUT!!! I just don't feel comfortable doing it in school, without the comfort of my own house and stable and fast internet access. ARGH! All the best for the bidding of my modules. Really hope to get all the modules i want.
Feeling very flu-y now. Been sneezing and coughing the whole day. I hope i get better and get rid of that itch and weirdness in my throat and stop sounding so nasal. JIA YOU!