Sunday, October 19, 2008 / 5:55 PM
rainy sunday
 Woke up pretty late today, about 2pm. Got a shock when i saw the clock on my dresser but nevertheless dragged myself out of my bed. Drove Mum out to Westmall, where we had a leisurely lunch and dessert at the food court. Then finally headed to SOL Mart and got my KIMCHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Ok pardon my excitedness.
I walked down the little aisles of Korean products and immediately grabbed the kimchi and threw it into my basket. Oh man i have been lusting over it and now finally! HAHA. Then got some seaweed and drinks and headed to NTUC. Man i felt like a housewife buying all the groceries. And being an environmentalist at heart, i didnt use any plastic bags cos i brought along 3 reusable bags. Ok i'm a little auntie but who cares when its good for the earth? Good job man!
We then walked around and browsed through some shops and then headed home. Haha nice driving home cos it was just after the rain and the air smelt really fresh. When i reached home, i devoured a bowl of kimchi. Cannot help it, lah.
Suddenly felt melancholic as i read this girl's blog. Think most people knows who is she because her boyfriend passed away unexpectedly while he was having training overseas for the army. I really think that the love shared between the two of them is so pure and sweet, so forgiving and so loving. The emotions seeps through each line of her entries touch me, and i feel so much for her. On one hand i feel extremely sad for her that someone so dear to her has left, yet on the other i envy her for having had such a wonderful boyfriend.
Really, how many guys are truly that sweet? How many guys do not mind taking loads of pictures with you and cam-whores along? How many guys say sweet-nothings and send lovey-dovey msgs everyday but make u feel touched rather than nauseated? How many can tirelessly send their girlfriend home yet enjoy the whole trip? No complaints? How many can proudly show their friends and family that this is his girlfriend and he will take good care of you?
Sigh. I am so so so envious.
Of course, I wouldn't know them well enough for the above to be true, but what i see is the kind of relationship that every girl would want. The kind that makes you melt, makes your heart flutter, makes you cry but you feel the happiness and passion every second. The kind that LASTS and goes on instead of it being a moment of lust or dare.
Ah look beyond the appearances! Not every hot or pretty girl is a good catch.
Oh well whatever.
Now the most pressing issue is... my sociology tutorial. Seems like it is the only module that induces pangs of nausea, spasms and bouts of hyperventilation in me.