Thursday, September 03, 2009 / 1:44 AM
 Finally went to have a haircut and all. HAHA i asked the hairstylist to curl my hair for me since i still wanna walk around ion! Quite nice i think.. Wonder if i should stick to curled hair? But i guess it will be pretty tough to maintain the curls and with my laziness in hair and makeup, I SHALL THINK THRICE AND MORE.
Met some familiar faces in ion, went to some pretty cool shops. Love it.
Knowing too much can be really tiring sometimes, and i guess i shall revel in ignorance sometimes. And i thank you all for the trust.
But advice can be pretty subjective, so take heart and take some thought.
SCHOOL has been really really amazing thus far. Going to tutorials has been intellectually stimulating, and i should attempt to work harder to keep up with all these really really smart people around NUS. GOSH. It is pretty daunting to come up with decent replies and essays when there are truckloads of people who are way better than me. Well, as youths we must challenge ourselves :D
Gonna go down to Sephora and get my shampoo like asap! And i am one girl living on a tight budget this month. Shall eat less and save up..I NEED MORE MONEY!