Wednesday, October 07, 2009 / 9:28 PM
Human beings can be quite fickle. Just like me buying stuff and realised that the other package seems to be better. Like contact lens. Haha. Chiong all the way 2 floors down the escalator back into the optical shop and got the better offer. A girl gotta do what a girl gotta do!
So, people can be rather volatile and unpredictable. Someone told me how inter-personal relationships are tricky, and he would rather stick to machines and softwares because they are more reliable and well, understandable. At least you know what to do when your computer crashes. What to do- properly- when someone is mad at you or upset with you over something you have unwittingly done? Or the sudden cold-shoulder or sarcasm?
To that, i scoffed at my friend. What is the fun when you are dealing with bytes and cold hard metal? Where is the human touch of interaction? Trade offs, simply put. Either you choose to forego something in exchange of something that you deem valuable, or you jump off a cliff and hope to die a quick death. That way, we all don't have to think so much. And life becomes easier.
So life isn't easy for me, since I THINK SO MUCH. Perhaps to put it in a better light, i am SENSITIVE and OBSERVANT. I tend to pick up certain whiffs and expressions and i interpret them accordingly, often with a pessimistic outlook. And i absolutely loathe confrontations and raised voices, so sometimes i try to keep it down and hope that the bad feeling that i have will just go away.
But it is good to be hopeful. You cannot change the world, you cannot reduce the effects of global warming entirely, but nonetheless life is good when one has HOPE. Dreams, aspirations and a spiritual repository.
Speaking of a repository, i cannot help but to think that i might actually treat my unhappiness and all with FOOD. Especially soups, because i always seem to eat when i am feeling stressed or upset. Chocolates, especially the dark ones, are my occasional indulgence too. Somehow, the feel-good factor immediately arises. Or i go shopping. Commodity fetishism is the new black!
We all want more, we expect to have more but it cannot be helped that we WILL BE disappointed at some point in life, when our efforts are not reciprocated the way we would expect it to be. Then there comes the moralistic quotes asking one to be contented with what we have and to keep life simple. But TALK IS FREE. How many people can actually do it? Who really actually practises what he/she preaches?
(I realise that i am typing this post at an alarmingly fast rate.)
Then again, my thesis is not really complete or present, in the first place. Different modus operandi.
With this reallyyyyyyyy long entry, i guess i shall not complain too much. Doesn't fit very well into what is ordained of individuals sometimes. With friends like these, what more can i ask for?

Since life is not a bed of roses, i would like to take more whiffs of my lovely garden now :)
"the life of a celebrity is very lonely."- V, 2009