Sunday, November 29, 2009 / 7:59 PM
these days
 My left eyelid has been twitching intermittently for close to a week now. If it persists, i guess i might just have to see a doctor about it. Yikes.
Seems like i have lost connection with some people these days, either unintentionally or perhaps by sabotage. I don't know, and i don't wish to inquire and implore. Truth hurts, eh?
And studying hasn't been very productive since i have such a massive inertia to study for emotions and social life. Gotta work my shift tmr at kikki-K too. Gah i havent really prepared myself and well, i guess i shall just go there and learn the ropes! Not expecting too much too, it's just an open heart and a big smile from me.
Preparations for SEP are not finished, and i must say i am damnnnnn slack. I need a personal assistant for SEP related matters. Seriously! Still gotta get my modules approved and get ready for module adding, and i would loathe to know the exam results. Scared about it.
Then again my airtickets are confirmed! I will be leaving on the 28th of Dec, 7.20am flight and coming back on the 15th of May 2010, evening time.
To my friends who i have lost connection with, i wish you well :)
So, amidst my grogginess and sleepiness, i shall try to understand Jamieson and Illouz and emotions. Heh heh heh.