Saturday, April 17, 2010 / 1:31 PM
oh cool this is such fun thanks
 Yes it's true i learn about people every day. Things that they say and do are pretty interesting. And although emotions have been riled up, i am at peace with things for now.
You can never know if that smiling face conceals a danger you almost fail to detect through the naturalised superficiality. Hohohum. Poaching, prying are merely ways to add laurels to themselves. To make themselves seem ahead of the crowd, to be the firsts. Or in a way to boost their meager confidence with the toss of a look from the in crowd. Or smile awkwardly and gesture in a way that they think would make them special.
In any case, you should start loving yourself and respect others.
Every single thing that you toss to the wind, listen and not just hear. Even if you have to exercise caution, do so in a wise manner. Don't expose yourself too much to the elements and get a nasty burn or a horrid infection.
Wear insect repellent. Put sun block. Wear tough hiking boots. Bring a knife.
If you need, bring your prayer beads, or whatever sacred items that you need spiritual boosts to. All's fine, the weather is fine, the clouds are even so pretty that you think they form shapes like unicorns and smiley faces.
But wait till you get enthralled by that pretty flower by the cliff. You reach, with a steadfast intent, and fall to your death, crushed and broken into pieces, almost an instant that you wish you hadn't fell, with the last remaining thoughts echoing the words why?
Don't assume too much, don't be too confident, don't pay attention to naysayers.
Believe, even though faith is weak in this new century. Learn to accept the elements, thinking that someday things would change. Bring some happiness along with you.
Or best, get some shut eye and shut the rest of the world outside. Protect yourself. It's a jungle out there.
Honestly, you are not worth the attention. I get the creeps. Or maybe the insect repellent wasn't too strong. Maybe it has expired. Gotta check the bottom of the bottle again. Maybe it was the wrong brand. Damn should have checked clearly before i bought it. But it was on sale. Oh never mind.
Fun house, it is.
and we go on with our lives