Tuesday, November 09, 2010 / 9:54 PM
never understood the universe I really think that some people are just being insincere when they say one thing and do another. And i am fed up with trying to decipher signs and meanings, so just be direct!!! Understanding the universe today was just a supernova in my world that is going to collapse into a black hole and no amount of Hawking radiation will ever escape! And even with 25 solar masses and lesser the death by black hole theory will still stand. I HATE PC1322 SUCKY MOD EVER. I will reflect my opinions. I WILL. Anyway, i felt so pathetic today after the test that i just wanted to go back home and hide myself. :( Like to indulge in a few gamma ray bursts. Haven't been getting much electromagnetic radiation recently, think i need some sort of cosmic expansion. The Doppler shift in me is worsening. Even Stefan-Boltzman might shake their heads in disappointment. BAH. I think i am becoming an extra-solar planet very soon. Okay time to move on! Ju En Cai shall be my idol. |