Saturday, August 11, 2007 / 10:27 PM

Those were some of the pictures we took for ASD Connexion @ Siloso Beach, Sentosa today!Had loads of fun accompanied with barrels of laughter with all the team games we played, like the tug-of-war and beach soccer. And our team (Porky Pig) got the title of the "Best Cheer"! OUr cheer was the Cha Shao Bao song, and it totally rocked!
After the whole event, we headed back to vivo and had lunch at this specialty chicken rice shop at the basement. Food tasted superb and all of us simply devoured with no table etiquette anymore. Hey we were hungry ok..
Headed for some shopping after the super fufilling lunch. Got myself a white sun dress from Pull and Bear and a nice t shirt from Topshop. Surprisingly, Forever 21 fails to astonish me and prompt me to whip out my wallet and buy clothes. Anyway, it was a really fun day.
Went out with the 4E3 gang yesterday for Rush Hour 3 and dinner at Vil'age. Quite cute as we celebrate the birthdays of Thar Er and Jodee whose birthdays are on National Day and Jonas's whose is in a few hours time from now. It was quite sweet. Will post the pics at a later date. tired. Felt so slack for 2 days. Been going out and relaxing, haven really started to study fr the scary mock stats paper on monday. Sheesh!
off to study land with my GC and stats notes...