Sunday, November 25, 2007 / 5:41 PM
 Really shocked about Mr Loh, a PE teacher at NJC. His body was found this morning, along with four other team mates. Although i do not know him personally, we always loved to look at him because he was so pleasant, earnest, charming and super cool. He just seems like a really nice teacher. It was only a few weeks ago that i saw him taking his motor bike home and him around the canteen eating with the other PE teachers. But today he is gone.
To all NJCians out there who so happens to read this entry, please remember him. You may not know him or have only seen the news, but just remember this teacher. To his family, my condolences. Please do not take it too hard. It is just so sudden and so overwhelming, and i can fully understand how his family must feel. In any case, i am deeply saddened.
Hope that NJC will do something for Mr Loh.
Rest in peace.