Monday, August 11, 2008 / 1:48 AM
NDP 08-success!
Happy birthday to Thar Er and Jodee! Their birthday was celebrated with millions of Singaporeans cos it was National Day!
Whoa finally NDP is over. But i don't feel as high as the rest, and it felt like it was just IT. No exuberance or extreme happiness, although i felt glad and well, happy. Really enjoyed the whole process and the trainings, and saw how people function in groups (again). It was especially memorable because i made some new friends with similar frequency and interests and thoughts. The others were simply an additional bonus. Everyone else is just as important.
And then i really wonder why do people behave in a certain way in groups. There is some sort of a link between human and animal behaviour. We all have the same mentality- fight or flight. We all feel the need to BELONG and be PART of and none of us likes to be excluded or worst, boycotted. I guess its a common mentality.
Today's gathering was more than it seems. I never felt so attached to my sec sch friends until today, when we really talk about things that we don't used to talk about, and really share our thoughts. Listening to things that surprise, saying things that are out of the norm topics. More heart-felt than ever. I guess conversations change as we mature, and we choose to talk about more important things then to mull over the little ones.
I guess today somehow made me felt blessed. The kind of friendship i felt today sent warmth throughout my body. Sounds corny eh? Haha. Looking at my sec sch friends- Weishun, JingXiang, Kok Hien and Diana-, it really made me feel so blessed and fortunate to have gotten to know them. Things would have been so different if we all hadn't met, and i wouldn't be who i was today if not for them. Ok i am feeling warm and fuzzy all over! HAH!

And i want to praise Diana here in my blog! She really is very sweet and adorable, and i am so glad to have a friend like her. It puts a smile to my face whenever i see her because she is always so hilarious and well, slapstick-funny! Love ya! as we go on we remember all the times we had together and as our lives change come whatever we'll still be friends for ever. yeah man :D