Saturday, November 08, 2008 / 5:42 PM
 The impending storm overwhelms me entirely, and all i can see is the greyness of the road ahead. There is no one around, and i feel the cold air stab me harshly, piercing through my coat and chafing my cheeks. The sky looks threatening, almost ready to let go of its reservoir and slap it down hard. There is a tree. Just ahead.
Seeking shelter, i run towards the tree. There is another girl there. She looks really kind. I say my hellos, and she nods in acknowledgment. While i rub my hands to warm it up, she suddenly turns around and slaps my face. Stinging pain pervades my moment of dumbfound.
With a sly smile she skips away, humming her tune of victory. I trudge on.
The next place i see is a small wooden shed. I go in. There is a young boy, about my age. He says hello, and shakes my hand. We sit by the small fire that he has set up. Talking about the weather, the books, toys.. Felt a shot of pain, as he flings the burning splinters onto me. Smelt the burning smell of my skin.
Horrified, i run away.
Against the backdrop of sinister clouds and deafening thunder. I weep. Morose and tired, i ambled along. It doesn't take much to defeat, or surrender. Nobody has time to heal wounds. HURRY. RUN. FINISH IT. NOW. BUSY. NO. YES. EXCUSES.
Towards the light, people tell me. But are there not other options? The road less travelled, or the other one laden with trodden mud?
The sky clears. The bird chirps. The grasses smell good. The sun smiles on me.