Saturday, January 03, 2009 / 1:40 PM
against the tide

It seems to me that salmon are really amazing creatures. They take the plunge to swim upstream to spawn and reproduce, going against strong currents and merciless waters. Perhaps it is this strong determination they have that keeps them going, disregarding failure and death, all with the final destination of creating the next generation.
Wish i can have such determination too.
I love the idyll of the countryside. I love the freshness and the breeze of the Mediterranean. I love the sun and the sand of California. I love the fashion and urban style of NYC. So many things i love yet cannot be.
And it really sucks when the guy you like turns out to like someone else you know. Or when you cannot be more than just friends. Or when things turn sour because you felt that things were not meant to be. Relationships are so complicated. So incessant, so unwavering.
Scary when a relationship between two people gets really bad that makes you wonder if we should ever get married at all. It just hurts too much when you care too much. When at the end of the day, the curtains are drawn, the show has ended, who is there to share your everything? Marriage should be for life, and not just disregarded because of some ideological differences that are so minute in scale.
New year, new resolutions, new perspective.
