Thursday, January 08, 2009 / 11:35 AM
Gosh bidding is the time where everyone goes into a frenzy, logging into CORS and refreshing the page almost every 30 seconds. Such is the life of an Arts student during the stages of bidding. We do not get any modules allocated so we gotta fight for it. HUR HUR. Singapore Society scares the shit out of me when i see how the next min bid keeps rising. Its at an unearthly 501 points now. Gahh expensive!
School is starting soon and i morbidly feel happy. Guess it's because i have been slacking around and doing close to nothing everyday after the exams. It was nerve-wrecking to not have something to do. Going out was not a fab option since it meant a dwindling of accounts. Retail therapy that was meant to stimulate the economy left my funds in the doldrums. SO what can i dooooo? When school starts, at least i will be busy with studies and perhaps have less time for entertainment and unnecessary purchases. And nice food at the Deck of course.
Arts BBQ last night was not too bad, and went with Wee and Desmond. Seems like a pretty neat gathering, except that we didn't know most of the seniors around. But i guess it turned out all right. LOVED the chocolate coated fruits and waffle sticks at Downtown East. Lovely!
I really hope to get this for Valentine's!!!
It looks soooooooo delicious and exquisite..heh. Perhaps i should buy for myself since there is a higher chance that i won't get it if i wait for it as a gift..GAHHHHH.
