Monday, November 30, 2009 / 9:17 PM
1st day of work
 Reached Ion really early today for work! So i headed to the Tea Loft for some nice milk tea, warm drink to kick start the day! Today was the first day of work for me at this upscale stationery shop in Ion orchard! Really excited and wondered what would working as a retail personnel be like.
 Went into the shop with the team leader and well, started to learn how to use the cashier and all the nitty gritty admin stuff. It was pretty hard to visualise how to do the cashing and all that, especially when it involves credit cards since i had no way to have some hands on. It was only when the customers began to enter and i had to learn on the spot, like INTUITIVELY. WHOA. I was super nervous i tell you.
My first sale of the day was this guy who came in and bought a $5.90 pen from me. HAHA totally fulfilled my goal for the day! Subsequently more and more people came in, and it was a mad rush at the cashier. Honestly, it can get pretty scary when there are so many customers who would like to pay up for their stuff at the same time and when you gotta handle the machines and paperwork! CHALLENGING, BUT FUN :)
Then there was this really awesome Caucasian woman who bought $200plus worth of stuff from me. COOL! :DDDDD Brightened up my day too, since her baby was super adorable! Haha.
Well today was indeed an experience, and i met some pretty famous people too! Ahh the joys of being in Ion. And some people are really willing to spend money for their friends and themselves, since most of the merchandise do not come cheap. Met some unruly people and mean people too, but not the customers. Tsk!
Gonna be back there next monday!
