Thursday, December 03, 2009 / 9:55 PM
 Quite tired of guessing what happens in some people's minds. Don't know what they are thinking sometimes too.
Exams are coming to an end tmr, and i feel that i really need to try harder. Haven't been the best student this semester, and next sem i will be alone in McGill. Gosh as the date nears and emails from McGill come in, i really feel that it's REAL now. Like soon i will be flying off to Montreal and be there for approximately 138 days! OH MY.
I took a few breaks today, and i started to write my packing list. Haha the food section was worrying, but definitely gonna bring chinchalok chilli and garlic chilli! Clothes are more or less settled, just need to get a few more pieces. Gotta do so much admin work too.
And i have been trying to study the whole day for emotions, and some readings are really bizarre, because they relate so much to my life! Especially what Beck and Beck-Gernsheim talks about, about couples who fight and quarrel in their marriage. And how there is symbiotic entanglement, where couples either be in love and lose autonomy, or be free and in control but lose a lover. Haha interesting!
Looking forward to tmr and sat, where i can meet the people who i love.