Saturday, April 14, 2007 / 11:39 AM
adults and their antics
I cannot understand adults at some times. Well, they are not meant to be understood anyway. They do things that are so childish and immature that really prompts you to give them a tight slap across their faces.
Yesterday i was watching this Korean drama called Jia You Geum Soon, where it chronicles the life of this young lady Jin Shun who has a child at a young age and she meets lots of difficulties and obstacles through her endeavours. That is not the main focus of my entry today. The elder brother of Jin Shun's husband (who has died), tells his girlfriend over lunch:
Brother: Why do people get married? Girlfriend: I don't know? Brother: Because they made a wrong judgement. Girlfriend: Really? Hahaha...( eats her noodles) Brother: Then why do people divorce or break up? Girlfriend: Aiyoh just tell me..I can never guess it right. Brother: Because they were finally back to normal. Girlfriend: (laughs) Funny! Brother: Then why do people get into a relationship again? Because humans have a short term memory.
That is rather true. Humans do have a short term memory. But we don't have memories like that of a goldfish, who only remembers things for 10 seconds, that's why they can still be so happy swimming around in a small bowl. We remember things forever, even the nitty gritty ones. We remember what colour our boyfriends/girlfriends like,what they like to eat,drink,see,smell,do...But we forget the important things. We forget what is more important than dating and having fun. We forget the important values of being faithful, loyal, honest and unconditional love for and to our partners. It just makes me sick how people state "irreconcilable differences" and a "clash of ideals and characters" as reasons for their separation or divorce. IT'S CRAP.
This man who treats his wife coldly for her taking up another faith 26 years ago, ignores her and is aloof to her....This man who womanises despite having a wife waiting at home for him and going through difficulties together...This man who is attracted to his gentle and caring secretary, hates his dominatrix and fierce wife..I don't know what this world is coming to.
Is marriage really that fraught with problems? Why is it that couples always end up fighting and quarrelling, then affecting their children and adding stress to themselves? Why must couples fight over petty things? I have heard so much horror stories about relationships and marraiges that i am tempted to take a backseat.
But i am willing to try the bride cake though :D
