Monday, April 07, 2008 / 9:55 PM
nike: goddess of victory
 It is really strange how the world operates. The blue skies, the soothing breeze, the chirping of the birds and the smell of the air. Everything appeals to our senses and emotions.
I started running this evening once again. A sport i gave up due to a bad knee. Running gives me a sense of purpose and determination, something like to reach the next lamp post is good enough. I love how i always start slow, then slowly build up speed.
This is how i wish i could look sometimes :D SEXXAYY!
Even though a weak knee hampers me from taking on long distances, my renewed subscription to running has never faltered one bit. I honestly love the nature sometimes, and this evening saw the nicest and loveliest weather i have had in months. The sun was just setting, and the breeze made everything so slow and smooth. I fell asleep while i was walking along the running track! Haha... I even had to search for a bench to sit down to take a nap before completing 2.4km.
Well i have to say my stamina is going down due to a lack of exercise and too much worries.
Anyway, life will get better somehow. It is all a matter of perspective and choice. And i worry way too much and this excess just cannot be minimised. I know you are probably scowling at me already.
 "It is not work that kills men, it is worry. Work is healthy; you can hardly put more on a man than he can bear. But worry is rust upon the blade. It is not movement that destroys the machinery, but friction." Henry Ward Beecher
Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight. Benjamin Franklin
calla lilies, my favourite flowers.Labels: life, running