Tuesday, April 08, 2008 / 7:39 AM
politically correct
 Can't believe that i am being thrown into this frenzy because of some imbeciles. Haha! Life is getting interesting. Seems like the prying eyes and hands and fingers of some people jsut cannot be wrenched away.
This episode reminds me of a certain blogger in Singapore: Gayle Goh. She once commented on a minister's speech publicily on her blog, and the aftermath was anything but. It caused a tsunami of thoughts rushing through every Singaporean, or maybe just the bloggers and people who have too much time on their hands. Some lambasted her words, while others praised her action. Gayle received lots of flak too, but that did not deter her from her right to the freedom of expression. In fact, she is still blogging if not regularly.
There is also Mr Miyagi, funny-man with an evil and sardonic flair for interesting posts. His podcasts are superb. Like the meepok one that had me reeling with laughter.
And there is also xiaxue. Although sometimes i don't quite like the way she writes, especially when most of her entries are interspersed with profanities and hyperboles. Nevertheless, her blog is just a juicy site, somewhere to go to when you just wanna read entertainment.
I hardly come across people who really blog seriously. Not that they religiously light incense and kowtow to their blogs, but people who really blog about the bigger things occasionally. Instead of whining and complaining how angsty they are and how life treats them really badly, think of things in the larger context. Age is not an excuse to feign ignorance and shirk responsibility.
There are truckloads of people out there who simply run away from responsibility and tries to get away with it with a smirk. Oh well, what can we possibly do with these wastrels? Aha. Seems like the word "wastrels" is my favourite word to use these days on people.
Some people really deserve it, while others are simply dragged in through the door. Life is unfair, and full of perils, so why should i even bother about the slightest thing that happens? You are not important, trying to ruin my life. I have got better things to do.
Hope that right now you are holding your tail within your legs, running away from me. If not, stay put and rot. Which is a really pathetic image to behold.
What is it with the genes nowadays?
In any case, i have other things to fret about. Should get pesticide and insecticide to spray away those buggers.
aide-toi, le ciel t-aidera