Wednesday, May 21, 2008 / 2:10 PM
- Never be too kind to others. If you treat others nicely, half the time they are only grateful for that split second and they wouldn't have second thoughts killing you the next time round.
- Keep to yourself whenever others are gossiping. Standing around makes you the accomplice and spin-starter too.
- Smile when receiving criticism. But of course don't grin or laugh; that makes you look like an idiot and being a clown.
- Be humble. If you have done well and no one else said anything, just shut up. Although you may just mention your accomplishment offhandedly, sensitive creatures and some anal ones will think that you are bragging and start to badmouth you.
- Don't expect too much from others. You may have certain expectations for your friends, but most of the time these expectations fall short and you end up feeling stupid and hurt. Like me.
- Put on a brave front even though you are crumbling inside. No one tolerates a weakling, and most certainly not someone who shows his or her emotions. Reality does not slow down and wait for you to pick up yourself.
- Be independent. There would be times when no one accompanies you to lunch or tea breaks, so you just have to do things alone. Besides, nobody can really stay by your side and be there for you all the time. Not even true friends who have pledged their lives and soul on this.
- Find something to do. When you get slighted and neglected, the best way to dismiss such feelings and make yourself feel better is to do something. You can play a sport that you like and sweat it out, or you can be like me, typing out what i feel and think and assume that it all really matters.
- Indulge yourself. Life can taste like a rotten apple, with worms tunneling here and there. An ugly sight, some may say. Well, since you know that life is not all that rosy with a little bit of setbacks here and there, make yourself happy in some ways. Shopping, counselling, eating, sleeping. Just get yourself something that makes oyu feel much better, even if it means to burn a large hole in your pocket.
- Think on the bright side. There are tons of unhappy stuff happening everyday that strips you of your energy and life. It is easy to slip into "depression" and wonder why is life worth it. But there are other things to look forward to, like meeting up with people who actually care about your feelings, family, new job, new school... Sometimes things are not that bad at all; just that when things are put into perspective, it gets magnified. So think positive.
Oh well, that came out in a flurry. I wish there are some guidebooks or novels on how to brave through all the bad occurences and recharge. Seems to me that most skills are sort of on-the-job-training kind. You get thrown into circumstances and learn to react and devise solutions. How "cool" is that?
Thinking too much really makes me tired. It feels as if i am treading on a pebbled upslope and i am wearing the most uncomfortable heels ever. So painful, so tiring, so depressing. And i really want to SLAP myself for being the biggest moron in 6 months. WHY THE HELL WERE YOU SO STUPID?
So sleepy now. Still gotta meet a parent later. Don't know what to say to her. I am just jaded and really cannot be bothered. Why do people care so much? Don't they know that such care don't get reciprocated sometimes? And that turns into a slap in the face.
 whee i am flying to the sky~~ CHEER UP MY LOVE!