Friday, November 21, 2008 / 12:04 AM
exams stress II It's like running a never-ending marathon. You feel your lungs bursting, your head thumping (it is right now), your heart screaming. Your legs get heavier with each step, each step sends a shot of pain up your heel. Muscles seem to be tangled, and the fists clench tight. Thirst and dehydration grabs you by the ankle, dragging you further back. I know the marathon ends in less than 2 weeks. But everyday seems so dreadful and hopeful. It is another day to absorb more information and revise so that i will have something to write and not go into a state of shock during the exams. BUT it is dreadful because i am inching closer to the finals. And when i take a look around, it seems to me that everyone is so relaxed and well-prepared! Seems like they are just going to go in, take the exams and party after that. And old me is sitting here freaking out with a terrible headache. Lol funny to think that way. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really hate this headache! The back of my head threatens to explode. Some people say that humans use only about maximum 20% of our brain power in our entire lifetime. I don't know the exact percentage, but still there is so much more power to tap on! Really wonder how Einstein managed to unleash his potential and achieved so many remarkable feats and inventions. I'm sure i can do better than wallowing in self-pity, but still the amount of work threatens to upset my equilibrium, which results in the massive breakouts i have right now. Ugh. And i just tightened my braces yesterday, which could possibly explain the terrible headache. Nice cool blue i have now. DAMNIT.4 more days left. HOW HOW HOW. grrrrr. Guess i shall just study what i can and just go for the exams. Hope that i can score a cap of at least 3! |