Friday, November 14, 2008 / 12:54 AM
 Really, the night gets you in various ways. Either you feel the melancholy seeping into your veins, or you simply feel the need to sleep. To drift off into a land where anything is possible, to see anyone you wanted to see, to experience different emotions that you have held back from the glare of the public.
How wonderful it is to have dreams.
Seriously, sometimes we sleep and wake up not remembering what transpired between the subconscious and the other realm. Like a clean slate, we proceed on with our daily lives without the urge to recall. And some other times, we wake up thinking that the dream was so real that we can almost feel our pores tingle, as if whatever that went on in the dream really happened, like just a while ago.
If i can have a dream customised to what i want, i would like to have a dream with my late grandfather. He used to be this surly and fierce-looking man of his household, hardly smiling and showing much affection for his family. But he does his share of caring through subtle ways, like quiet moments sitting there with you.
I never had much interaction with him, for we hardly speak the same language- me chinese, him hokkien- although i tried my best to master the hokkien tongue. He was this authoritarian figure that i always remember, and i see a reflection of him in my father. He loved apples cut into small dices and looked really handsome when he was young.
Well, i have never met my maternal grandparents. The only form of understanding is through baby pictures of me, where my grandma would hold me dearly in her arms and my granddad will look at me as if i am the most precious gem in the whole world.
Honestly, it feels great to be loved. To be cared for and to be regarded as the most precious thing ever. If one is met with some sort of bad situation outside or has been hurled with derogatory remarks or have been bullied, home is really the haven.
If only the world was much simpler than it is, and if we could all stop saying that we want to live simple lives. That is desensitised already. Too much of a good thing becomes bad. Foul-smelling and disgusting.
Free of the clutches of the society, the heartless capitalists, the strict meritocracy, i believe we will all be much happier, albeit without the material comforts of the present. But should the material take precedence over the spiritual and emotional?
For now, its the material i guess.
Once the exams are over, then let's talk about spiritual and emotional HEALING.