Saturday, February 26, 2011 / 3:06 AM
direction to take
 Just thought i would update this blog for a bit before i retire for the morning. Talk about having a healthy lifestyle, which should equate to an early night and an early morning!
I have been stuck at the computer for the entire day now, and it has been well, more than 12 hours of reading, researching, typing and thinking. Guess the recess week is never really a recess week huh? Two essays to do, 1 mid term to study for, and i still got to take at least 5 pictures for the mid term exam. Not exactly someone who manages her workload well huh?
And to think that i had wanted to start this sem anew with less procrastination and more diligence. But i guess er ge's incident kind of derailed me a bit, and i am still in the process of trying to get my footing back. Time and tide waits for no man, and apart from the occasional breaks of looking at blogshops, websites and inane news, the religion paper has got my attention.
Went to find out more about Bill Cunningham, the street photographer for NYC. He takes pretty good shots, and has quite a personality. His signature blue jacket and raspy voice was quite alluring in a strange way, and i kind of appreciate that this celebrated man has a very humble disposition and not pompous at all. I like that great people don't put on airs, not to even ask of ordinary people.
Guess i had better get some sleep. Essay marathon in the day!