Tuesday, August 29, 2006 / 12:13 AM
Welcome Dinner for TIP ![]() ![]() |
Sunday, August 27, 2006 / 12:08 AM
irony It is so ironic. Everything in refractory. Me trying to breathe. Ok. Went to library today and there was this really smart couple sitting beside me. Think both of them are J2 from the top 2 JCs and they seem to be really hardworking and intellectual, solving any math or physics probelm they encounter. It was so enjoyable watching them cos well, they are so cute and sweet and the guy is absolutely caring and nice to his girlfriend. I kind of imagined how beautiful it would be seeing them walk down the aisle and have a great life together. Ok..Kinda imagined too much though. But they really make me envious. Now feeling really hollow.Some things don't turn out the way you want it to be. Anyway, promos are in less than 5 weeks. And i am starting to freak out. I mean wah~i really don't know how eh. Its like i have no confidence in any of my subjects. And i gotta get a B for Math at promos in order to pass the subject and i am telling you that is IMPOSSIBLE. SHUCKS. Man...I dun wanna fail anything! Looking on the brighter side of life, Teacher's Day is next week! Haha..Got some cards and presents ready. Hope to catch up with my friends too. You know love is always so burning that it hurts sometimes? So now i revel in watching My Lovely Samsoon every weekday night 10pm on channel u. It sort of makes me feel better about everything watching how the male lead tries so hard to go after his ex only realising he loves samsoon and how the other guy also fights for her affection. Some kind of temporal relief, i guess. It makes me feel safe being able to predict what may happen in the story and even if something sad happens, i will not feel so affected that i burst into tears or weep silently. Feels good to know what's coming next. Now i feel oblivious to everything. Like trying to coop myself in this bubble and not think of anything else but my studies. Afterall, there is no point. It makes me feel sick thinking of how foolish i was, trying ways and means to be noticed. So dumb! Anyway, i feel relieved and happy. Haha..More pics from TIP coming up next! |
/ 12:08 AM
irony It is so ironic. Everything in refractory. Me trying to breathe. Ok. Went to library today and there was this really smart couple sitting beside me. Think both of them are J2 from the top 2 JCs and they seem to be really hardworking and intellectual, solving any math or physics probelm they encounter. It was so enjoyable watching them cos well, they are so cute and sweet and the guy is absolutely caring and nice to his girlfriend. I kind of imagined how beautiful it would be seeing them walk down the aisle and have a great life together. Ok..Kinda imagined too much though. But they really make me envious. Now feeling really hollow.Some things don't turn out the way you want it to be. Anyway, promos are in less than 5 weeks. And i am starting to freak out. I mean wah~i really don't know how eh. Its like i have no confidence in any of my subjects. And i gotta get a B for Math at promos in order to pass the subject and i am telling you that is IMPOSSIBLE. SHUCKS. Man...I dun wanna fail anything! Looking on the brighter side of life, Teacher's Day is next week! Haha..Got some cards and presents ready. Hope to catch up with my friends too. You know love is always so burning that it hurts sometimes? So now i revel in watching My Lovely Samsoon every weekday night 10pm on channel u. It sort of makes me feel better about everything watching how the male lead tries so hard to go after his ex only realising he loves samsoon and how the other guy also fights for her affection. Some kind of temporal relief, i guess. It makes me feel safe being able to predict what may happen in the story and even if something sad happens, i will not feel so affected that i burst into tears or weep silently. Feels good to know what's coming next. Now i feel oblivious to everything. Like trying to coop myself in this bubble and not think of anything else but my studies. Afterall, there is no point. It makes me feel sick thinking of how foolish i was, trying ways and means to be noticed. So dumb! Anyway, i feel relieved and happy. Haha..More pics from TIP coming up next! |
Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / 10:13 PM
TIP Pics 2 |
/ 9:20 PM
TIP Pics |
Saturday, August 19, 2006 / 12:11 AM
i'm a can of sardines Man, i think i must have been cursed or something. Math is so not in my favour. I mean, why does substitution and differential equations got to do with anything about my future? It's not like i need to use these formulas to find out the price of a bag of oranges. This is all so absurd. It is like the theatre of the absurd or what so ever. Argh..Math tutorials are just like an oven and i am like a can of sardines trapped inside that has been turned to max heat, waiting to explode into pieces and look like pathetic goo. Ok..Don't wanna sound like some whiny school girl. Things have just not been going right for me today and i feel like a thousand tonnes of burden were resting on my shoulders. Had to struggle to make my way home too. Everything just felt like plain crap. Dunno why i have been feeling so dejected. Perhaps itsbecause of all the smart and intelligentppl all around me and teachers who don;t seem to like me cos well, i am slow. I dunno man. Ifeel so downright stupid with all the people around me. Ppl who are trying to get to the top by stepping on you and making sure their grades are sparkling perfect. Is it tad bad?, you say. Perhaps i am thinking too much but well, it stinks when you know you arent one of the average students around. Its like i feel so freaking inferior and lousy and no one even bothers about me. Is my school tad unfeeling? Perhaps not. I still have a few friends who well, cares to help me out. Oh boy... Then there is still the promos that are in 5 weeks time. Gosh, its hard to keep on a smile when u are a Student-At-Risk. Meaning, you may be retained at the end of the year due to unsatisfactory results for the common test. GREAT. Now there is just one more thing to aggravate my already bad mood. Then there is the frantic flshback of my life and then i feel my lungs constrict and then heave out a huge and heavy sigh not of relief but regret. What am i suppose to do man? So continuing with my revision for the awfully dreaded promos and the horrible math lecture test next week, i feel nothing but DOOM. Like the whole world is swirling around me and i cannot hear any other voices but mine screaming for some kind of aid to come along. Perhaps there could be an angel who will descend from the heavens and grant me 3 wishes? Anyway, there is nothing much complaining can do to help one out. So gotta keep my fingers crossed and hope that i will tide through this period. Chocolates should not be the main snack right now but well, i have practically devoured all the Godiva choc. Maybe its high time to replenish my stocks. All right, my eyes are seriously drying up. Gotta go for some drink and rest for a while before attending to my part of the written report. Shucks. There is the tutor coming down on Sunday and gosh, i dunno wad to expect. Just gotta fire him with truckloads of questions and see if he can "tahan" my slowness. Ok..Please tag! Feel tad my tag board is so stagnant that dengue mosquitoes are breeding there. But oh well, lame. |
Saturday, August 12, 2006 / 8:12 PM
swansong It is this strange stirring inside you. Sometimes you see him and then you don't find anything peculiar or special about him because everyone is directing you to another person. But then as you regain your composure and take a deep breath and look over your shoulder, he is there talking to his female friends and you just feel your heart drop into the deep abyss. You feel like getting close to him and taking in his smell and his warmth and you feel like giving him a hug and never let go. Kiss him gently on his lips and murmur your love and adoration for him and see his mouth turning into a smile. Feel him kiss you back and feel all the adrenaline and flushed cheeks. Even the clouds seem to stop moving in the wind's direction. His strong arms hugging you tightly to him and resting comfortably on your waist. Your forehead resting on his chest as you hear his heartbeat steadily. He kisses you gently and softly on your head, while caressing your hair and cheeks, blows kisses to you. But then, you know this is never going to come true. You can fantasise and imagine this moment tens and thousand times over with your pillow or bolster or whatever but you know the rehearsals will go on and on but the actual staging never happens. Because the male lead is not here. The makeup and hair and clothes may already have been done eons ago, and there you are sitting pretty for it all to happen but well, nope. He talks ot you and jokes with you as a friend but deep inside you yearn for so much more. You don't ever want to be just friends. But he never gets the point and he never looks past your eyes and deeper inside. Perhaps its the glasses that blocks away the love you have for him that he never notices. You daren't tell him because you know he already likes someone. You don't want to spoil this friendship and make it awkward for everyone else. So all this agony of trying to get him to notice your existence is tearing you apart,and you decide to let it go. Just back out slowly but subtly. Let him know that you will always be there somewhere but you will always wish him the best in his life and everything he does. Pathetic love story that spells the end of a one-sided love? Perhaps. |
/ 7:18 PM
adios... Wow..The English Immersion Programme for the taiwanese ended officially yesterday. Went to school and left on a bus at 930am towards the airport. It was a teary-eyed farewell, as we received presents and loads of hugs from everyone. Ann cried badly and so did Vivian, my buddy. Sheena and Maggie cried too. Sigh, i guess i was one of the few who did not shed a tear. I dont know why, but i just felt hollow. Like nothing drastic happened. I mean, we will get to see each other in Dec right? Besides there is MSN so well, no fear. But i gotta admit as we were singing Guan Huai Fang Shi at the departure gate, waving the Yu Cheng ppl off i did felt teary. Sigh...2 weeks passed just like that! Unbelievable. Everything seems like it was just yesterday. Loved the chocolates Vivian bought for me. They were adorable! And my i still have a bar of Godiva chocolate still untouched. Did a survey at the Godiva counter at Taka the other day and i got some chocolate thins for free.Woot! Now its back to all the endless studying and fearing. ARGH! |
Sunday, August 06, 2006 / 12:03 AM
sunburnt Well well well... Went for cycling at East Coast Park early this morning and erm, i thought it was sheer terror cos we were so isolated. Anyway, it was not very interesting la. We cycled to Bedok Jetty, took pics then went to Changi there and cycled back. Felt horrible missing out on PN though. Argh. I should have just gone for PN and enjoy the warmth of my friends. But oh well, I'm there so i might as well make the most out of it. Almost cried when i heard Timo's voice cos i was really surprised that he was there! WOOT!Lol..Really missed all the SJAB ppl and their company. Gotta make it up to them some day. Anyway, i smell like aloe vera now. Hmmmmm. Pool is an incredibly fun game that u can play on and on except that it gets more expensive by the hour. Some guys are really good at it esp the guys from taiwan. They were marvellous man! here was this one guy who can shoot two balls in at the same time and clear 5 consecutively. So pro! The max i can clear in sequence is 3. Man, i am so impressed. But then there was this weird and awkward atmosphere all around us and boy, it clings on. All those rumours and love stuff going around. Sheesh! Then we went for some food and i really enjoyed it with my fellow TIP-ers from NJ and we shared snacks. That felt really real and i was all warm and fuzzy inside. Haha! Then we just went home and now here i am tying! Our dance costume is finally settled and that was a really big burden off my shoulders. Felt really glad that all is finalised and we can finally look normal and proper. The orevious costume that we had was a nightmare cos it looks like algae and seaweed. Bah..Dun even bother to picture the ugly garment in your mind. It looked frumpy and shapeless. But what to do when it costs a mere $9? Whatever the issue, i just hope that the farewell dinner goes well and our dance will be great! Gotta get some sleep. Serious deprivation of sleep now. Feel so irritated half the time. But yeah i can sleep late tmr cos my buddy is going out with her friends so i can have some free time to myself and my family. Whooooo... A sleepy girl can morph into an angry girl. |
Saturday, August 05, 2006 / 12:19 AM
EXHAUSTION I AM SO TIRED. SO BEAT AND I JUST WANNA SLEEP. Ok..its ok la.I mean yeah its not. We have been going out with the Taiwanese for almost a week already and i can really feel how this all drains the energy from you and leaves you feeling empty once again. I fell asleep at every lecture and dozed off during tutorials and man...I felt really bad. Hmm...We went Bugis yesterday night and reached home at about 10.15pm. Then my buddy went to sleep after a shower while i did my homework. Lol.. I was doing a concept map for GP and well, i was so sleepy that i wrote gibberish language that i had to cancel. Man! Then i went to wash my face and continued writing and finally completed it. Hope it was ok. Stayed up till about 1.30am to finish up the rest and went to bed. So that perfectly explains why i was so so so so tired today in school. But anyway, i am really exhausted and some of the rest too. But today was damn fun! We first went to The Ark, a cafe that has ppl singing live in it. Then we just sat there, had dinner and basically stoned through it. After that we proceeded to Marina South for bowling and steamboat and it was so duh. I only had one strike for the one game we played and my score was pretty lousy. HAHA. Anyway, we had loads of fun laughing around and just twerp talk. The steamboat was really fun and the bunch of us NJCians and HCI ppl just fooled around with our buddies. It was quite hilarious..Sweet too. Anyway, we are going East Coast for cycling early morning tmr and then in the afternoon me and nina will go to geylang serai while our buddies will go for ice skating. Then after that we will meet up with them and plan more stuff to do. WOW. Nevermind, i can handle this. Or maybe not. Well, gotta grit my teeth and hang on! All right, i really gotta go get some rest. Been really very tired all these days and there are more activities tmr morning. Hmm..More updates in the near future! |