Tuesday, May 29, 2007 / 1:00 PM
fashionbar Clarke Quay is a nice place. Went to fashionbar on sat night with friends and had some vodka. Was expecting myself to get drunk and start pissing all over the floor but heck, no la. Had only one shot of vodka and a Cosmo and then just walked around. Seems like i didn't bring enough money. Wanted to go MoS but abi and jiyue not of age yet. So we just walked around after that and looked at the flea market. They were selling really pretty stuff but heck, i only had nets with me. So it was pure looking and no buying. But the atmosphere was really good, felt so much like being in Aus. The lights, the sounds, the people..Really nice. Had chocolate fondue with the girls and we didn't have to wait long for a table tho the Haagen Dazs restaurant was PACKED. was enjoying our fondue while people who were queuing for seats outside looked on hungrily. Whatever. Lol. It was a great night! Gotta wait for the pics cos i haven uploaded them yet.. Anyway we had the 2nd MILK run mass dance training ytd night and it was great! Loved my block cos they picked up the steps really fast and did a great job. KUDOS TO YOU ALL! Hope that all subsequent trainings will be smooth and happy too! Argh.. Worked on my lit essay all afternoon yesterday and finally managed to crap some 2 pages out. Humph. Wonder where has all my mojo gone to. Really need to get it back. Common test is in 26 days time and my mind is blank. I need to study like how i did for o levels man. Now its just bad. Gotta pull up my socks some more.Way more. Till the next time. |
Monday, May 21, 2007 / 11:41 PM
How to Tag on Happenstance Hello my dear readers of happenstance. In case your brows are furrowed over what is "happenstance", it's the name of my blog. Hee hee. Anyway, i have received feedback on my tag board. It is apparent that many ppl say that they cannot find my tag board cos its well, nowhere to be found. Actually, my tag board is the third diamond on the left of my entry page. SEE? It's just there. How miraculous to see the light after someone tells you a clue. I guess its due to the colour of the diamonds that many of you cannot see them. Sorry about that! Anyway, now that you know where my tag board is, DO TAG!! It gives me re-assurance that some one still bothers to care :) And to those who still cannot find the tag board, it's ok. Drop me an IM and i'll teach you how. stop and smell the daisies. stop and listen to the birds. stop and smell the freshly-mowed grasses. stop and listen to me. this world is moving too fast. it's almost like shouting in water. it makes you smothered and fear. but it will be okay. i promise. because we will all be there. pride. |
Thursday, May 17, 2007 / 8:41 PM
birthday celebration in advance of a day Just wondering if ANYONE reads my blog, much less even bother to tag me. Do you guys tag me after reading my blog or even JUST TAG? Cos i see the same message every time, and it's kind of sad. It seems like my blog is just there and friends don't even bother... Or maybe i should just paste pictures of a surgically enhanced body part like a certain someone and then write some controversial entry that gets everyone hyped? Not intending to flout anyone's rules yet. Anyway, is this font size more pleasing on the eyes? I sure hope so cos its quite HUGE. Anyway, our ppl celebrated my birthday today and boy.. I felt so paiseh! Well it goes like this: Joyce and I were studying in the library, and i was reading the normal distribution notes and fell asleep. Then Joyce said the rest of the gang were at the oasis and wanted the both of us to go over to study. But then i was comfortably settled so i said let's just stay here. Then Joyce received another call (i think it was from michelle...) and said helplessly that we should go down. So i asked why? And then Joyce blurted out that they wanna celebrate my birthday. 0_0 That was how i looked. So i said ok lets pretend i dunno anything and go down. We arrived at the oasis and then poof THERE WAS A LANA CAKE ON THE TABLE!!! (Although it was not big and chocolatey or raspberry, i was really really touched~~) Then they started to sing a birthday song for me and man, there were quite a lot of people around. Eng Chiew videoed the entire celebration. The carrot cake was not bad too. Then the girls gave me this huge card made by everyone (i had a hard time carrying it home on the bus). Well it was all very very sweet. Quite surprised that they celebrated my birthday one day in advance. Really happy :D Anyway, tmr is my BIRTHDAY (hint hint) and its also drama night! Really hope to see a good turn out and a fantastic performance. Praying for all the best during my performance! You know what will be the most indulgent birthday celebration i would like to have? Here goes:
and poof it became coco crunch! |
Wednesday, May 09, 2007 / 9:36 PM
wake up call is it my wake up call yet? Mrs P is right. We can point out our mistakes and weaknesses, but can we improve on that? I'm afraid. Afraid that i will not be able to make it. Afraid of not doing well and ruining my life. ok. gotta snap out of this stupidity. |
Monday, May 07, 2007 / 1:36 PM
time time and tide waits for no man. and i kind of am trying to get that into my head. hear the waves and let them carry away your fears. |
/ 12:43 PM
random pictures Free day to lounge around at home. Felt really good to sleep to my heart's content. Random was the agenda. So look at the pics ;D ![]() |
Sunday, May 06, 2007 / 12:02 AM
jubilant comeback NJC CLDDS (CHINESE LANGUAGE DRAMA AND DEBATE SOCIETY) SYF 2007 SILVER 2ND RUNNER-UP AND BEST SCRIPT IN DRAMA COMPETITION 07 thank you guys for being there and working together as a team and displaying your prowess in acting all the way!Although we didn't get the much coveted gold with honours for our syf, we knew deep in our hearts that we definitely deserve much more than that. We were a force to be reckoned with and revered. Obviously, the judges did not quite agree with our presentation and gave us a silver with 2 points to a gold, we took it in our stride, yet the feeling of disappointment and anger never subsided. Words of encouragement thronged our ears, with firm hands onto our shoulders reminding us how hard we have worked these few months. The late nights we spend in school rehearsing our play over and over again and saying our lines till the rest of the actors could remember.The crapping around, silly poses for the camera and incessant merry-making was the really fun part of all the rehearsals. Not to forget waiting and waiting for the session to start. Getting a silver did not dampen our spirits, as we "chionged" to the finals today. We were all relaxed and confident some how, perhaps due to the fact that we had nothing to lose. We were the ones who really went there to have fun and just present our play to our audience. Yes,our play was nothing spectacular compared to the rest who had ample props and people and whatever, but we were good. And we are humble about it. Getting a 3RD is like a cherry on the cake, and we almost did not expect it. It came as a surprise, and boy are we ecstatic about our results!It was simply splendid, terrific and wonderful. So here's a toast to all you guys of CLDDS and to the many others who have rendered your support or help in anyway, and you guys did an amazing job! NJ WHOOSH~!!! |