Friday, October 30, 2009 / 12:35 AM
essay woe Just had a bowl of those kind of instant miso soup. Simply pour hot water over the condiments and voila you get a bowl of piping hot miso soup! Of course i would love to have chicken soup or something but it is really late and i am lazy to cook stuff now. I am still thinking through my essay for popular culture, a little anxious and worried that my paper is not on par with the rest. I mean, hearing what some others are writing about just makes me cringe. Seriously, these people really spoil the market. What am i supposed to do huh huh huh! Gahhhhh. Explore the social dynamics of popular culture in a public space in Singapore. Hawker center!!! GAHHHHH. I shall not sleep until i get a decent 2000 words typed out. GO SHULI! |
Tuesday, October 27, 2009 / 1:53 AM
小男人,老男人 我想,我要的是小男人和老男人的混合体。 小男人的活泼,开朗, 直爽, 脾气, 天真烂漫, 老男人的成熟, 稳重, 知识, 风范, 委婉, 踏实。 似乎在寻找一个完美情人, 他也有可能不存在, 或还在世界上的某个角落。 现状也不太可能会遇到他, 因为我的焦点被模糊了。 有时还真不知道自己要的是什么, 不知如何应对。 想找到一个平衡点, 好难。 茫茫人海之中, 我相信我们错过了。 也许当时的你, 是牵着她的手。而当时的我, 正目不转睛的在传简讯。那小小的擦撞让我们不以为意, 继续向前走。可能如果我们停下脚步, 抬头望一望, 事情可能会不一样。 大家就好像星星一样, 在宇宙里, 各有各的位子。 有时还真讨厌完美的结局, 因为现实中并不是这个样子的。灰姑娘之所以会找到她 的王子,是为了让全世界的小女孩对爱情抱有渴望和幻想应而促进销售。电影是个能让幻想和梦境实现的画板,任由人们塑造一些自己想看的。 当然, 时时抱有一点贪娈, 也不错。 幻想后, 也该是让灰姑娘返回现实的残酷和快乐中了。 |
Sunday, October 25, 2009 / 1:59 AM
saturday I have done so much things today, just not doing my essays!GAHHH. Went shopping, washed my car, brought in the clothes and finally cleaned up my room and of course, packed some stuff away for Canada. I realised i have quite a bit of woollen clothes :) Somehow the Essay Goddess is escaping from me. Or maybe i am just plain lazy. Haha. Online shopping is evil too. Now i am awaiting the arrival of 3 sprees. GOODNESS GRACIOUS ME. And there was the $1/litre fuel promotion at all Shell stations in Singapore today. I was all geared up for it and went to the petrol station near NUS but they didn't have the promotion! Oh well i was lazy and decided not to head for the Shell along Pasir Panjang Road. IT WAS A MAD QUEUE for the cheaper priced petrol. TSK TSK. LONG QUEUE i tell you. Luckily i didn't waste my saturday queuing. SIGHHHH I MUST WRITE MY ESSAYS! THEY ARE DUE THIS WEEK!!! |
Thursday, October 22, 2009 / 1:11 AM
WHY IS THE WEATHER SO HOT TONIGHT!?!?! TSK. Exams are coming, papers are due! And i have no divine intervention to give me some good inspiration. And some mental resilience too. I want FOOD. Like pasta with loads of garlic tossed in olive oil and seafood, especially prawns and bacon. I need some comfort food nowwwww. |
Wednesday, October 21, 2009 / 1:12 AM
rain rain rain Gosh it is raining really heavily outside. And everyone is in bed already. Just me working away at my laptop with my table light as i look outside my window and the sky is just dark. You cannot even see the rain fall. Everything is engulfed by the sound of raindrops crashing against the windows and landing on the concrete floor. Then there is this violent sound of the wind coming in through the toilet window and threatening to invade the space. Oh, the rain is getting lighter. Not the wind though. Scary! Today has not been the most productive again. I was super super tired yesterday, and i wondered what got over me! I was extremely sleepy and tired after the BK lunch, and this exhaustion followed me all the way till after i showered, and i promptly plonked myself on the bed after that, with my hair wet and just fell into a deep sleep. And only woke up at like 11am this morning. WHAT WAS THAT! Today was just a mad rush and all, but now the rain has subsided into random splatters on the floor. The toilet door slammed shut just now, and although i kind of predicted it i still got a small scare. HAHA. I laughed at everything today, from seeing people's faces to random small things. Wonder what got me into such a jovial mood too. je ne sais pas si je devrais partir devant, je ne sais pas comment je devrais me sentir. d'une manière ou d'une autre je ne sais pas même si je suis prêt pour cela, mais vous mettez étincelle dans mes yeux et rire dans ma vie quelquefois je me protège, j'ai besoin de l'assurance, mais pouvez-vous me donner que je veux et ai besoin ? j'ai besoin de quelque chose, quelque chose ce qui me ferait dire oui mais je ne sais plus. Whoa, the rain is back again. Great for sleeping tonight! :) |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 / 10:43 PM
pastries Happy pastries light up my day. Awesome possum! ![]() Really feel like buying the red cake and cupcakes from that website. Gosh i think they will taste really good. And maybe make it as the official cake house for my 21st. I am already having thoughts of how i want to celebrate it! But then again i need to come up with an army of personnel to help me plan it :) Need to find my balance again, and cheer up! Life is so much more, and there are so much more for me to see and experience. Got to keep moving on, moving on! Also, got to start writing my term papers and relish in this solitude at times. WHOO! Shuli has always been seen as a very strong person. And she shall be too. |
Tuesday, October 13, 2009 / 12:48 AM
:) So tired and so drained somehow. Someone asked me a question just now, and somehow there was a sense of deja vu from this episode with another friend. Gosh, restrain. Humility and obscurity. Painted my nails red with the newly purchased OPI from the walkway bazaar today. Haha nice. And the necklace that i had wanted so much was GONE. Someone with really good taste must have bought it ;) Going to find time, since it always eludes me. Some other rare items on the list as well! Then again, winter clothings and immune jabs are catching my attention. |
/ 5:27 PM
time flies The weather today has been really fabulous. And the wind was great too, consistently coming into my room. Of course, i ventilated the whole house by opening the windows, bringing in the wind and of course the sun. Ah, my wish is to have a bright and airy house! Doing research for my essays and trying to get inspiration to do work. HAIZ. I cannot seem to figure out a public space where social dynamics are shown. Was thinking of the clubs--> gender and sexuality, class and status... GOSH I REALLY DON'T KNOW WHERE TO START. And i just realised that the exams are in less than a month. I honestly don't know what i have been doing! Why did time pass by so fast? The exams are just around the corner, and in less than 2 months i will be in Canada too. Everything is happening so fast that i am rather overwhelmed. I need to anchor myself to something. And decisions to be made further compounds my worries. And of course the disappointment and excitement and whatever. Even now i am thinking of how to organise my 21st. Already have a vague idea, just don't know how to really go about doing it. And i hope i will be back in Singapore in time to have my 21st party! I really want it to be a sweet and romantic and memorable one :) I shall continue screaming at my work and perhaps get down to it FAST. FIGHTING! |
/ 12:21 AM
picked me up Seems like i am blogging more often now! Haha. Today was good in a way, picked myself up after such a wreck. Retail therapy does work its wonders, although the money spent is a bit AHEM. hahahhaa :D Had my favourite fried fish soup today, and on top of that i had a bowl of RICE. Noodles and rice. And i finished it all. Guess the carbohydrates will wreck havoc in my body, travelling all the way to my thighs! EWWW. But it was satisfying and happy. Although i must complain that strawberry milkshake does taste uncannily like cough syrup. Good day today, made me see a lot of things. Perhaps solitude is not that bad, although unions and companionship sounds good too. Ahh the intricacies of human emotions. On a lighter note (literally!), i am getting fairer! Good i guess, since i was fair to begin with and now i am resuming my skin colour. Slowly. Not going to be a chameleon thrown in situations! if only you can see you belong with me |
Monday, October 05, 2009 / 12:43 AM
bulletproof I think i am scary at times. Feeling a possibility of bipolar disorder coming on. HAHA. Going boomz. WHATAMIGOINGTODOABOUTTHIS?HUHHUHHUH! SHUCKS. There is so much going on in a catastrophic sequence that i don't know what is going on really. It is as if the internal cosmos are in flux and the only remedy is to escape from it all or to delete certain files and empty the cache. I need to reboot and well, feel. Goodness gracious me i think i need someone to talk to. Or talk like nobody's business to. Or visit a shrink and pour out everything. Perhaps i am thinking too much, and i really got to clear some of the load. HAHA i dunno. So blur. So confused. So mistaken. So ransacked. So delirious. I want to be bulletproof sometimes! |